Did You Test Positive for HPV?

— Get my Naturopathic Guide to treating HPV naturally.

Do you feel anxious and are not sure what to do next? In this guide I will tell you all you need to know about natural HPV treatments so you can take control of the diagnosis and your health. 


By purchasing this guide, you understand that this material is intended for educational purposes only and is not to be interpreted as individual medical advice.

HPV—Now What?

You're probably confused and not sure what to do with the test results you just received. Or maybe you've known about your HPV diagnosis for a while but you didn't know what to do with it. 

In this guide you will learn everything you need to know about HPV, abnormal pap smears, and cervical dysplasia. It's important to know all your options, so I'll explain conventional treatments and natural therapies that can help to support HPV and also abnormal cervical cells. 

Plus, you'll get a list of evidence-based supplements that I use in my practice and explain in-person procedures called escharotic treatments. 

This guide is for you if…


You're young and was just told for the first time that you have HPV.
 Are you scared, confused, and your doctor didn’t explain much? 


You tested positive for HPV years ago, forgot about it but now your Pap smears are repeatedly abnormal. 
Do you want to look into other treatment options before doing invasive therapies?


You just received a positive HPV test with low-grade cervical change. 
Did your doctors tell you to watch and wait, but you want to support your body to prevent it from worsening? 


By purchasing this guide, you understand that this material is intended for educational purposes only and is not to be interpreted as individual medical advice.

What do you get?

Access education that will help you feel empowered to take control of your HPV treatment.

Support your body in fighting off HPV and potentially slow the progression of abnormal cervical cells to prevent certain cancers, including cervical cancer.

A list of treatments and supplements to discuss with your doctor to see what is right for you.

Understanding of natural treatments for HPV and abnormal Pap smears. 


By purchasing this guide, you understand that this material is intended for educational purposes only and is not to be interpreted as individual medical advice.

You might still have a question, or two. Here are some answers.

Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Will this guide provide specific supplement recommendations? 
A: Yes. But every body is different, so please consult with your doctor.


Q: Is this guide easy to understand or filled with medical terms that I am unfamiliar with? 
A: The guide was written with you in mind. It's easy to understand. Any medical terms I used are explain in plain english.


Q: Will you discuss conventional recommendations? 
A: Yes. I cover conventional recommendations in addition to the naturopath approach.


Q: Will you explain Escharotic therapies and whom they are intended for? 
A: Yes. 


By purchasing this guide, you understand that this material is intended for educational purposes only and is not to be interpreted as individual medical advice.

Ready to take control of your HPV treatment?


By purchasing this guide, you understand that this material is intended for educational purposes only and is not to be interpreted as individual medical advice.
